Notice Regarding Counterfeits
We’d like to notice our customer
that there are counterfeits of
THE GINZA products in the market.
The packaging often looks like
that of genuine products,
making it difficult to distinguish
between authentic and counterfeit products.
We are committed to providing our customers
with safe products of the highest quality.
However, we cannot guarantee the quality
and efficacy of counterfeit products,
which is why we encourage you to purchase
THE GINZA products from our official retailers.
Please beware of counterfeit products,
as we are not able to appraise suspected products,
provide assurance of their safety,
or exchange them with authentic items.
Also, please be informed that
we assume no responsibility
for any damage, trouble,
or defects caused by counterfeit products.
By using the Blockchain technology,
we issue and attach unique product IDs
to each product*.
The system protects health and safety
of our customers from counterfeit products
and guarantees the quality
of purchased products.
You can check a unique product ID
on Certificate of Authenticity
which guarantees purchased products are
authentic and meet out quality standards
by scanning a QR code
that comes out with your smartphone
when you peel off a sticker
inside a product box
or typing the URL
on the sticker into the browser’s address bar
and press Enter on your keyboard.

Also, by registering the certificate
on our official site,
you could get bonus points that can be exchanged
with special benefits or used for discounts.
If you lose a product package,
you could not check nor register
"THE GINZA Certificate of Authenticity".
We highly recommend you scan the QR codes
when you receive the products at your hand.
Please note that
we will not reissue Certificate of
Authenticity under any circumstances.
You can check how to register the certificates
from the banner link below.
- * Products released after June 2021 excluding cotton products have the certificates.
THE GINZA EAU DE PARFUM, and THE GINZA PARFUM do not have the certificates with unique product IDs - * If the sticker is difficult to peel off, use your index finger to catch the end of the sticker.
- * For THE GINZA products purchased outside Japan, given as a gift, or given for monitoring use, Bonus Points for Checking Certificates of Authenticity will not be rewarded.