Wrap. Wear. Deliver.

Woven from recycled Bishu wool.

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is expertly crafted
with recycled Keshichi wool.
Like the linden flowers that
grace the avenues of Ginza,
bring the holidays to life
with this unique, luxurious scent.

"Never waste existing resources."
KESHICHI is produced in Bishu,
one of the largest, most respected
wool textile manufacturing areas in Japan.
OSHIKA Co., Ltd.,
a high-end fabric manufacturer
with a rich history of over 100 years,
established the KESHICHI
recycled wool brand based
on the concept of
"tradition meets innovation."
They aim to rejuvenate
precious wool and give it new life,
while nurturing a
sustainable working environment
for Japanese craftspeople and
supporting Japanese craftsmanship
and workshops.

  1. Quality Wool Selection
  2. Reclaiming
  3. Wool Regeneration
  4. Color Sorting
  5. Spinning
  6. Weaving

KESHICHI is made from
70% recycled wool,
an ideal ratio achieved
through more than
half a century of extensive study
and experimentation.

The high-level recycling techniques
are supported by skilled artisans
who carry out a number of processes
— including the identification of
quality wool from huge piles
of old clothes and
the hand sorting of
each piece by color to minimize
the environmental burden of dyeing —
before spinning the wool into yarn
and weaving it into cloth.
KESHICHI is not easy work —
it is truly a
mesmerizing form of craftsmanship.

Interview with Akihiro Oshika,
CEO of OSHIKA Co., Ltd.


Produced by OSHIKA Co., Ltd., in Bishu, one of Japan's largest and most well respected wool textile manufacturing areas, KESHICHI combines tradition and innovation to create a unique, highly sought-after recycled wool.

"The times have finally caught up with the recycling culture of Bishu. Here, we never waste existing resources, and this philosophy has been passed down for generations. Our young team members actually came up with the idea and the name."
- Akihiro Oshika, CEO, OSHIKA Co., Ltd.

Oshika-san has always admired THE GINZA, and back in the day, he would often visit our fashion boutique in Tokyo. For him, this reunion of sorts was written in the stars.


"Perhaps because of today's trends, the recycling aspect is often talked about. Our real goal; however, is to use this as an opportunity to make our artisans proud of their work and to improve their working environment.

"A weaver, for example, can pass down their craft to their children, and continue the family tradition."

Manufacturing would not be possible without master artisans or dedicated workshops, and Oshika-san's mission with KESHICHI is to create an environment that evolves and circulates.


"Thanks to our branding efforts, we have received orders from well-known overseas brands in recent years.

"Nevertheless, we will remain true to our recycling principles, revive precious and valuable wool materials, and breathe new life into them. We will then go beyond the recent trends surrounding sustainability to stay rooted in our own manufacturing."


"I have a favorite Italian proverb that says, 'He who goes slowly goes safely and goes far.' I'd like to ensure that each step we take is a steady progression — not driven by trends but by the accumulation of the best results we have achieved on our own."